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How Anti Bullying Programs Can Help Stop Bullying

Saturday, November 26, 2011 5:51 PM Posted by Kids and Teens
Anti bullying programs may not be able to guarantee zero bullying in schools but they can help reduce it. Some of the benefits of having an anti bullying program in a school include:

Increased Awareness

The first step is in admitting that there is a problem but before bullying can be acknowledged, it has to be known. More often than not, a bully gets away with their actions because nobody is aware that they are, in fact, bullying. Anti bullying programs can help to raise the awareness amongst students and parent of what bullying is, how to spot it and what to do about it.

Improvement in School Policy

One of the most important things that comes out of having an anti bullying program in a school is the fact that the school needs to review its policy. Often, because the school doesn't have a clear policy, bullies get away with their behavior and those students who are targeted don't tell.

In reviewing their policy, hopefully the school will come out with a clear, concise and usable anti bullying policy which they can then present to their students, parents and teachers. And instead of being put in a filing cabinet for safekeeping is a document that helps shapes the way things are dealt with at the school. This also gives the students the message that the school is serious about dealing with bullying.

Empowered Students

Bullying usually doesn't get noticed by adults because students targeted are too scared to tell anyone. Peer pressure, self-doubt and outright fear are just a few of the reasons why they will never tell. With the right programs in place and effective support from the school community and parents, a student that is targeted can be given the tools to help them to get help. They need not fear repercussions from the bully as there is a process in place to help stop this.

Students can also be empowered as bystanders - so that if they see bullying take place they are able to speak out and help stop it, or get help from an adult.

Involved Parents

Anti bullying programs also need the support and involvement of parents. Parents need to know how to help their child if they are being bullied or if they are a bully. They need to know how to contact the school but also understand how the school will deal with the issue, and what their process is for helping not just the target but also the perpetrator. Parents need to feel that they are involved in the process but also that the school is seriously committed to the NO BULLY message.

For an anti bullying program to be successful, everyone needs to be onboard and involved. There needs to be a high level of commitment so that this is not just a flash in the pan, but the school is committed to becoming a NO BULLY school. Running a program needs the help and participation of the entire community in order to help stop bullying in its tracks.

By AJ Mior

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