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ADHD Teens

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 5:29 AM Posted by Kids and Teens
ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common disorder among children. The cause is still unknown, but genetic disposition has been linked with its occurrence. When a child is diagnosed with ADHD, there is an increased chance that the child will carry the disorder into adolescence and possibly into adulthood. The symptoms manifested by ADHD children are the same symptoms that are manifested by adolescents. These symptoms can greatly affect the life of the adolescent, especially when dealing with other people.

Usually ADHD occurs alongside other conditions, mostly pertaining to behavioral problems. Anxiety disorders, learning disabilities, and mood disorders are examples of these conditions. It is important to properly diagnose an adolescent with ADHD and any other behavioral problem that they may have.

ADHD adolescents and children typically exhibit one or a combination of the three main symptoms of ADHD, which are hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattention. They also tend to get easily distracted, which may result in poor interactions and poor participation in classroom activities. These symptoms may cause adolescents to have poor academic performance. Additionally, symptoms of ADHD tend to intensify when adolescents experience hormonal changes during puberty.

Completing homework assignments is difficult and many ADHD students misplace important papers, which makes school even more complex. ADHD not only affects their grades, but also the way other people treat them. This can be very detrimental to adolescents with ADHD. Lack of concentration can also be frustrating. It can lead to the inability to understand the lessons provided by their teachers. Another frustrating symptom is the inability to sit still as this symptom may interrupt the whole class.

Adolescents with ADHD have a higher risk of being involved in vehicular accidents. Studies revealed that adolescents with ADHD are more susceptible of committing vehicular accidents compared to normal adolescents. ADHD adolescents are risk-takers and are very impulsive. Studies have also proven that taking ADHD medications will reduce the risk of vehicular accidents significantly. Stimulants, which are the prescribed medications for ADHD, can unfortunately cause one to become dependent. This is why they are also at risk of being abusive with drugs. Cocaine and nicotine are a couple examples of drugs that an ADHD individual may indulge in, since they too can alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.

Behavioral therapy can help an ADHD adolescent deal with their symptoms. The psychologist working with the teen might perform a series of ADHD rating scales to best diagnose and treat. If the symptoms are not managed with behavioral therapy alone, then it is advised to seek pharmacological therapy alongside behavioral therapy. Ritalin, Concerta, and Adderall are the most common stimulants prescribed to ADHD adolescents. They can help to regulate the amount of dopamine in the brain, which is responsible for preventing the occurrence of ADHD symptoms.

Parents, with ADD teens,contribute the most to the improvement of their child's behavior by means of their understanding, proper discipline, limitations and ability to reduce distractions, and assistance with homework and other activities. Giving them the support they need at all times will help them improve in many aspects of their life.

By Carole Gayle

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