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How to Become an Expert Mom

Monday, September 12, 2011 10:20 PM Posted by Kids and Teens

By Diana Goldman

As our children grow and test us in every possible area of our lives and personalities we often wish we had all the answers and could be experts just like those super nannies on TV. The thing is that the Super Nanny goes home to sleep after a day or night of work, the real Moms stay on to pass the test and come out true experts. Super Nanny might also be a mother but it is important to understand that it is her advice that can change your situation, not her personality!

Trial and Error

All mothers have to go through trial and error to get to perfect, and even so there is no perfect. If you are doing your best to be a real expert Mom it is as perfect as it ever gets. As soon as you actually care enough to work on your parenting, things can only improve. We all have those moments of anxiety and despair when it feels like something will break if we don't get a break. This is called trial and error and once you learn by your experiences things will get easier.

Open Mind and Open Heart

A parent needs an open mind and an open heart to find the right way in this crazy world of opinions and ideas. The openness is not meant to be to everything that comes from the outside but rather to what goes on inside.

First of all you must keep an open channel to your own intuition and your children. It is way too easy to gobble up what another expert Mom says only to realize that it holds no truth in your life. Keep real and be happy with the progress you make. This is your life and your children, so use advice and tips with sense for who you are and where you are holding.


Creativity is crucial both for the development of your children and for your personal development. Just like you would pick pre-school with care, to make sure that your child gets a creative environment for learning, you need to choose your own impressions with care. See yourself as a person and a Mother and look for what motivates and stimulates you in your parenting. Reading cool and interesting stuff online is a good start! You can always check parenting sites and blogs that focus on positive strategies for how to become an expert Mom!

For more advice and idea for a Mom you should visit

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