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Bullied Kids: How to Stop the Hurt

Thursday, January 5, 2012 1:48 AM Posted by Kids and Teens
Bullying is a serious widespread problem, and bullied kids are usually the ones who suffer without being noticed. Many parents ignore the warning signs as normal occurrences in a kid's life, unaware that these signs could develop into grave consequences. Victims of bullying may end up with poor academic performance, bad physical health, fear of social interactions, and unhealthy emotional states. Fortunately, any parent or guardian can stop this issue from hurting a child.

First of all, a foundation of awareness has to be established by the parent. Awareness means being educated on the warning signs and measures against bullying. It also means having a good grasp of what is happening to a child in everyday life, especially at school. This makes it easy to see if something unusual has occurred and needs attention.

Communication is also essential, especially for parents. Bullied kids are often too afraid to speak up when someone has attacked them, so parents may have to exert extra effort in communicating with them. Empathizing with them is important to let them know they can trust someone. Also, communication is a tool in guiding them through the emotional or psychological struggle they may be experiencing.

Parents and authorities can also work together to create a safe and caring environment for children. Authorities include school teachers, counselors, and administrators, and even local safety officials. With their help, not only can bullying be ended, it can also be stopped from happening again.

There are also groups and agencies that help bullying victims and even perpetrators towards emotional healing. This aspect is important because bullying usually starts from an emotional or behavioral problem, and can create emotional impacts. For kids who are bullied, even if the impact is not immediately recognizable, this will have an effect on how they behave as they grow up.

To make kids more confident in facing bullies, parents can enroll the kids into an anti-bullying program. Such program teaches children suitable methods for protection, including age-appropriate self-defense and esteem-building. Anti-bullying classes are empowering in a sense that they help children become more self-reliant and less afraid.

The important thing to remember is that all these approaches should stem from compassionate intentions. The fight against bullying is not a struggle for retaliation, nor an excuse to become a bully to others. Rather, it is an effort to heal the bullied kids and even the bullies themselves, and help them grow into better individuals.

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By Jay Foster

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