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Halloween Costume Ideas for October 31st

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 4:56 AM Posted by Kids and Teens
Halloween isn't too far away to start thinking about the best ideas for costumes. If you really care about making Halloween a special day; you're prepared to go all-out for Halloween creatures. There are a lot of options to choose from: some old friends and a few newcomers, but rest assured that that whatever you choose, a full Halloween creature costume will be the hit of the party.

Here's a sneak peak at some of the best Halloween creatures for this year:

Vampires: The Twilight series has been just the biggest hit in the recent vampire craze. Rest assured, vampires are "in" right now, and they're cooler than ever. There's a little risk of overexposure with vampire costumes, but there are so many different costumes, that you can still find a way to stand out. The old school Count Dracula costume is no longer the only vampire look. Experiment, and you'll find a great your own great Halloween creature waiting for you. Don't forget - girls can be vampires too!

Werewolves: Another brand of Halloween creature that's seeing a comeback. Werewolves haven't been a really popular creature for years, but the winds are changing. You'll be seeing more wolves than ever this year, so it's absolutely essential that you be creative when finding a werewolf decoration or costume. Don't be afraid to be really different from everybody else - that's what it's all about!

Fairies and Princesses: Just don't get them confused. Fairies and princesses make for great Halloween creatures and even better costumes. The only problem: they're even more ubiquitous than vampires. Fairies and princesses are a little girl's favorite fantasies, and they're guaranteed to make Halloween extra-special.

Superheroes: There's nothing like being a superhero to make a child feel powerful and special. Superhero costumes and decorations are a great way to spice up a party. The only problem is that it can be hard to be creative without spending a lot of time and money. That makes superheroes great for two things: last-minute buying and big, sprawling parties and costumes.

Cartoon characters: The all-encompassing category, cartoon characters are always a great hit. However, different kids watch different cartoons, so it's hard to be specific. From Dora the Explorer to Avatar, there are tons of cartoons that kids love, and will love to see come Halloween. If you're hosting a party, the best thing to do is find out what cartoon the group likes best, and you might even be able to make a great party theme. Cartoon characters are also great because their costumes aren't quite as popular, meaning that your children won't be have the same Halloween costumes as everybody else.

Those are the basics. Other popular Halloween creatures include witches, ghosts, bats, skeletons, demons, and a host of other scary creatures. Don't be afraid to go all-out this Halloween, and you and your children will be sure to have a great time.

Jack writes articles for where you can find a great collection of Halloween wallpapers that are free to download to your desktop or mobile device.

By Jack Blake

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