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Train Up A Child In The Way They Should Go

Friday, February 7, 2014 4:41 AM Posted by Kids and Teens
By Katherine Y Waddell

There are some things that are a struggle to balance in life more so than others. For instance, the adults in the household are the providers. On top of being the provider you need to finding time to spend with your children and make that time meaningful. This can be a challenge to balance. Imagine after a long day at the office you come home and your children are eagerly seeking your attention. More than likely you desire to be left alone to hide out in a quiet place in the house, some place that is free of other people.

This behavior over a period of time can leave the children feeling unwanted and you feeling stressed out! What would life be like if you were able to take the children to work with you? Now this idea may seem unpleasant at first, but before you deem this a dead topic read on. This may not work for the traditional employee unless the employer has a policy in place, as for the entrepreneur you are the boss! Why not take your child with you to work and begin teaching them the business? This is an amazing way to show your children how you earn the money that pays the bills and buys the things they want.

Some feedback on this topic has been that the children may slow you down and get in your way. Often children are told to slow down and take their time so they can do their best job. Is it different for the adult? Of course their job may require speed or may even be hazardous, and this of course should be considered when taking the children to work. Just as you would not put a new employee on a task that required more experience, neither would you do that with your child. Take your child in as often as possible with you to work and train them. Something as mundane and repetitive as creating an invoice or filing paper work could be a task they learn to master. They will see what money goes out and what comes in. They will see that this little task that they help the business with helps the family ultimately. What a legacy to begin right there!

Another comment received on this topic was someone did just what was suggested above and this became the way their children earned their own spending money. This is a wonderful way to teach them how to 'create' their very own path. None of that waiting for someone to tell you what you are worth and then pay you less than that.

One more comment to this topic was on the opposing side because they said they went to work to get away from the family. This is a sure sign there is some work to be done on the family unit when work becomes the vacation some thing is out of whack. By sharing the business world with the children they begin to understand that money really does not grow on trees. Train them early and often and they will appreciate it when they are older.

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