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How Can a Kid Make Money When Many Adults Are Unemployed?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 1:24 AM Posted by Kids and Teens
By Patrick Esposito

The unemployment problem in this country is a harbinger for our next president to give serious consideration to. There are many people who at one time have had a well-paying job, and held a respectful place in their community. Today those people are driving cabs or working at a fast food joint just to help pay the bills. Sometimes people take it for granted that kids need to make money too. When kids have money, they spend it and help our economy. Kids need to make money, but how can a kid make money when many adults are unemployed? Has the job market retracted for kids the same way it has for adults? When the powers that be talk about creating jobs, kids don't get mentioned, but how can a kid make money?

Many kids are ambitious, motivated, and have lots of energy. Kids are fun to work with and many want to learn and have responsibility. How can a kid make money though if the jobs are not available? Another trait that kids have is that they are resilient, and they are not afraid to do the jobs that some adults may be reluctant to do. Today's kids are tomorrow's workforce, and when kids work it helps build character, confidence, and independence. Since there is a minimum age to be able to start working on the books, the question again rings loud "How can a kid make money?

It would certainly seem that kids are entrepreneurial by nature. Whenever we see a lemonade stand, we intuitively know that there is a young person behind this money making venture. Kids don't need to make top dollar to pay the bills, so they are open to opportunities that adults will shun. Kids will help clean the house, mow the lawn, rake the leaves, and clean the garage. So when we ask the question "How can a kid make money?" we don't have to look far for answers. A kid can deliver newspapers, run errands, wash cars, and walk the dog. Some adults may even feel a little envious realizing how many opportunities that there are for kids.

Kids are usually not shy about offering their services to someone. Once a kid is old enough, they want to babysit, especially girls. The boys may offer to do some painting. While the jobs or opportunities are not always readily apparent, the kids with the desire, fortitude, and insight will find their rainbow that will hold their pot of gold. How can a kid make money? It is a good question to ask kids and see their imagination go to work. They may surprise you and come up with something you may not have thought of. How many times do you wish you could find someone to pull weeds, or wash the car? Girl Scout cookies have not become one of the biggest selling cookies in the world for nothing. With a ready, willing, and ready workforce in place, our country is headed in the right direction.

Pat Esposito has been involved in real estate since 1982 years as an investor, trainer, and consultant. He is the author of The Best Investment You Can Make, and The Informed Real Estate Investor and is the founder of Check out this website. It has lots of information for those who want to have an abundant life.

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