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Global Economic Crisis and Youth

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 5:25 PM Posted by Kids and Teens
By Momina H Butt

ILO (International Labor Organization) published a report in August 2010 named "ILO Global Employment Trends for Youth 2010". The purpose of this report was to highlight the growing problems which young generation of the world is facing in these troubled times of economic crisis. The main points of the report are as follows:

- An enormous increase was noticed in the un-employment rate of youth. 81 million young people aged between 15 to 24 were unemployed at the end of 2009 which is a record marking an increase from 11.9% in 2007 to 13% in 2009.

- The adult unemployment rate is much less as compared to youth unemployment rate.

- The report also said that the recovery in the employment trends for youth was expected to take longer duration of time than adults with expectations that in only 2011 the unemployment trends for youth will decline to 12.6% which is unsatisfactory.

So the purposes of mentioning all this is to underline the difficulties, restlessness and pain which the present economic crisis has produced upon the young generation of the world.They are always the last preferred for any job and the first to be thrown out and there is always an additional mental strain in form of social burden and responsibilities. The condition is bad in underdeveloped countries but particularly is more negative in developed nations. So if you take all this from a youngster's point of view who needs work to pay his college fees hostel rent to buy books and fulfill other basic requirements of life he is trying but is not getting work or he has been thrown out of his job you can easily understand the strain through which the young man is passing.

Youngsters study day and night with a hope that one day all of their hard work will be rewarded they will stand upon their own feet and will be able to support not only themselves but also their families.They dream of utilizing all of the precious knowledge and skills which they have gained after years of hardships and toil and will prove themselves a responsible and productive part of society.After graduation when a young man or woman steps into real life and tries to get involve in work by applying for jobs in his/her particular fields but faces negligence again and again then one can easily guess that how much disappointing it is for a fresh,active and ambitious mind. Hopelessness and anger takes over and one feels that all those hardworking years of school and college have been wasted.

The worst effect of youth unemployment is the increase in crime rate.Longer periods of inactivity and financial needs forces young men and women to earn through wrong means and most end themselves in jail and a value treasure of youth resource is lost.

In my opinion young people are full of energy which if properly utilized can bring great positive social, cultural and ideological changes otherwise it just dissipates into the surroundings causing unnecessary heat which brings more harm than good. So the issue of youth unemployment needs to be addressed on immediate bases.

Remember that only a stronger youth can guarantee a stronger and a better world.

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